All Natural Garden Spray for Aphids

Our garden is struggling this year, not sure why, but it could be the strange weather we had going on in early Spring. Anywho, most recently the tomato plants were showing signs of deterioration in a few spots and on closer inspection, my honey decided we had what he called "lice". I'd never heard of plants having lice, but he grew up gardening (for a living) and that's what they called it. I went to
You will need a spray bottle, water, castile soap and garlic.  Its that simple!  The soap kills the aphids and the garlic will hopefully detour any new aphids coming to the plant party!
Mixing recipe can be found on our blog at the link down below.
This is what the Red Beef Steak looked like when we first planted it back on April 22.  It was a bit distressed because our goofy weather couldn't make up its mind if it was going to be freezing cold or warm, so it took us a while after purchase to get it into the ground.

The liquid castile soap would be much easier to use, but our local Walmart didn't have anything except the bars, so that's what we got.  It was a three pack for $3.28. If you happen to find the liquid version, one good squirt should do.
NOTE: Please use a pure liquid soap, such as Castile, or all-natural soap. The active ingredient in this insecticidal soap comes from the fatty acids in animal fat or vegetable (coconut) oil, so it’s important to use the real thing. Please don’t use detergents (which aren’t actually soaps), like dish soaps, or any products with degreasers, skin moisturizers, or synthetic chemicals, these are NOT GOOD for your food products!
This next detail is VERY important!  ONLY in THE EARLY MORNING or LATE EVENING, spray your plants on all the infested sides, including the bottoms of the leaves (that's where the aphids live).  You do not want to spray a liquid on your plants in direct full sun because the water will act like a magnifying glass and burn your plant up and that is worse than having bugs on them!

Snip or pinch off any dead or dying stems and discard them away from your plants.  We added our snippings to our natural compost bin to recycle them.

Since we normally get our spray bottles from Walmart (.97 cents) and they all look alike, I like to use a sharpie marker and mark on the bottle what it holds.  I wouldn't want to accidentally spray my plants with something I shouldn't!  Eeeek!